1.  But it has the compelling authority that only intimate knowledge and great indignation can bring.

2.  He seemed to have an intimate knowledge of prison life.

3.  Naturally, they had an intimate knowledge of the terrain.

4.  This allows suppliers to specialise and to develop an intimate knowledge of customer needs and wants.

5.  While not insurmountable they can be overcome only by those with experience and intimate knowledge of police work.

6.  Without an intimate knowledge of haemoglobin it would be easy to dismiss them as random noise.

7.  As Downing claims, and as we noted above, reading is best established when the child has an intimate knowledge of the language.

8.  He surprised me with his intimate knowledge of Kierkegaard and Schopenhauer.

9.  Gould however, with his intimate knowledge of South and North American bird species, immediately saw the connection.

10.  But, although they will have an intimate knowledge of computers, they will probably not have a deep knowledge of the particular application of the proposed software.

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